Introduction to kinesiology

Kinesiology is a therapeutic method that restores balance, health and promotes well-being.
Born in the 1960s in the United States, it is derived from Eastern medicine (energy meridians and acupuncture points), chiropractic and neurolinguistic programming.

The postulate of Kinesiology is that the body records the smallest details of an individual's life, on a conscious and unconscious level. It is therefore in the best position to know its own needs.
In order to allow the body to reveal its deficiencies and disorders, but also to give solutions to regain health, kinesiology uses muscle testing.

The muscle test is the instrument that the therapist uses to question the body and to dialogue with it. Or more precisely with the subconscious, which stores all the memories of the individual.
The muscular test is based on the principle that any imbalance, conflict and stress are manifested by a low resistance of the muscle.
By convention, when the answer to the question asked by the therapist is positive, the muscle is toned and resists. When it is negative, the muscle releases.


Kinesiology is used in many areas, especially those where stress has a negative effect on the body. And children are just as prone to stress or mental load as adults. Stress can have many sources, mild or more severe: worries at school, the loss of a loved one, family tensions, separation of parents, a little brother or sister coming home, an accident... Sometimes, this stress creates a blockage or a health concern that can turn into physical pain or chronic illness. Thus, what the head and the heart cannot express is always translated in the body. Kinesiology works on these pains, puts words on the ailments and often allows the child to overcome these events and regain his emotional balance.

Mireille Dürig, kinesiologist in Grens sur Nyon, whom we had the pleasure to meet for a little moment of Brain Gym during our educational day, details on her site, to whom kinesiology is addressed and for what reason:

Toddlers (from birth)
For problems of crying, fears, sleep and nightmares, allergies, emotional management... The child being in the energy bubble of his mother until around the age of 7 years, it is often by taking care of the mother that the child will get better.

Children of school age
For learning difficulties, memorization, concentration, organization, hyperactivity...
Sessions are designed to reactivate the child's resourcesboost his or her potential and enable him or her to regain control of his or her life. It is a solution-oriented approach in which "movement is key to learning".
Kinesiology is also aimed at "children of the third millennium", the "hyper-connected" and hypersensitive.

The older ones
For adolescents and young adults in search of identity and a sense of direction, a session can be useful as a passage to confidently enter the workforce and as a doorway to a brighter, more radiant future.

For more details on kinesiology, you can of course consult Mireille Dürig's website:
Or watch the video produced by the French Federation of Kinesiology: